Seven Swimming Pools

Seven sessions. Seven themes. Low stakes.

It’s almost summer and the pool is open.

This season we’re bringing back one of our most popular programs from last year. The idea is simple — we are seven facilitators, each with our own approach to writing. We’ll curate seven online evening workshops, devoted to the things we care about most, one each.

This is a space for fresh ideas, big questions, and finding new paths back to the heart of our work. We’ll lower the bar, write lots, and let ourselves see what this summer is shoring up our creative lives.

Here’s the plan:

We’ll gather on Zoom seven times on Monday evenings. We’ll use short, easy writing prompts and projects to help you create brand new work. You’ll have lots of choice with the prompts and full control over where the writing goes. You can turn the tap of emotion on full blast or keep it as a trickle.

We deeply encourage you not to perform or perfect anything here. Let’s be weird, unfocused, surprising, and new. Pajamas, bath robes, sweats, and slippers are very welcome.

Details for Summer 2024:

7 Monday evenings (weekly), 7–8:30pm ET
July 8 – August 26 (no class on August 5)
Via Zoom

Week to Week:

What I need to whisper, what I need to shout — connecting to our writing voices and what they want to say this season
July 8th with Chris

What’s trying to find voice in you right now? Where are you holding back? In this reflective session, we’ll explore what’s asking for our creative attention, from the whispers to the roars.

Kim identifies as a brown, middle-aged woman. She has long, curly black hair and a warm smile.

Writing with the speakers on – finding joy and inspiration for our writing through music
July 15th with Kim

In this playful and high-energy session, we'll experiment with how music can bring new life to our writing. Writing to music, about music, from music... we'll shake things up and come out dancing.

Asifa identifies as a middle-aged woman with brown skin. She smiles at the camera and is wearing a blue and white hijab.

Outside the lines – using writing and imagination to connect to our wildness
July 22nd with Asifa

In this soulful session, we’ll explore where we want to bring more wildness to our creativity and our daily lives, using writing and visualization to connect to our untethered selves, and see what they want to tell us.

Mari identifies as a Hispanic woman with tanned skin. She has long black hair and a big smile.

Tiny untrue stories – exploring the world of flash fiction and the liberation of radical brevity
July 29th with Mari

What’s the shortest story you can write? Can a story shine even brighter when it’s less encumbered by language? In this productive session, Mari will introduce us to one of her latest obsessions — flash fiction.

Britt identifies as a middle-aged white woman. She has short, spiky blonde hair.

How places hold and shape our work – slowing down and bringing location into all we write
August 12th with Britt

Where are you right now? And where do your stories take place? In this session, we’ll bring new sensitivity to location in our work, from nostalgic writing about places that shaped us to creating into brand new worlds.

Ailsa identifies as a white woman in her mid-thirties. She has long, straight golden-brown hair, blue eyes and wears glasses.

Moving through the seasons of writing – reflecting on what’s true right now
August 19th with Ailsa

Our creative lives will pass through many seasons. In this session, we’ll pay loving attention to what season our writing is in, and how to love our process no matter what conditions we find ourselves in.

Sophia identifies as a fat, white woman. She has wavy, dark brown hair, a nose piercing and is wearing a floral shirt.

Unleashing – gathering courage and vision to send our voices into the world
August 26th with Sophia

Moving our voices out into the world can feel scary. In this session, we’ll explore how impostor syndrome gets in our way and we’ll connect to generosity, influence, and legacy as ways forward.


The fee for this program is on a sliding scale of $90–$175. If you’re unemployed, or earning minimum wage, we encourage you to pay the lowest amount. If you have a comfortable income, equity and savings, we suggest a higher fee. You’re in charge.

If you don’t have a credit card, or can’t currently afford the base fee, let us know, we’ll gladly find a way to make it work.

See our financial policies.

Sign up here:

This program isn’t running at this time but let us know if you’d like us to run it again. You can also sign up for our newsletter if you’d like to be the first to know when we bring this program back.


Your answer is probably on this page.

Looking for more options?

Take a peek at our small group writing workshops, our large group writing programs, our retreats, and our coaching services.

Credit where credit is due

The photo we’re using to promote this page was taken by Etienne Girardet and shared via Unsplash.