Writing Coaching
Let’s talk about you.
We love the buzz of a creative community in a workshop or retreat, but we know that sometimes our work doesn’t need a lot of people — sometimes we want one person, deeply attuned, and helping us move our work forward.
That’s where coaching comes in. Bring your messy drafts, half-formed ideas, uncertainty and fears. We’ll bring big questions, curiosity, tools, and a huge capacity to listen, listen, listen.
These packages are three months, meeting every second week. We’ve found this to be the magic combination to build the relationship that will hold your work and help you thrive. If you have a different need, you can let us know.
There’s no bar for “readiness” — we’ll meet you exactly where you are and co-create a process to get you where you want to go.
Drop us a line if you have any questions, or go ahead and fill out a no-pressure intake form.
New Sprouts
A three-month writing coaching program to nurture brand new things
The Messy Middle
A three-month writing coaching program to get you through the heart of your project
Home Stretch, Baby!
A three-month writing coaching program for the final, wonderful push
Diving Into Your Draft
A 4-week coaching package for first drafts that are looking for new direction