Workshop Intake Form Your name please... * First Name Last Name May we have your email address to contact you at? * Email And your phone number please. * (###) ### #### And your mailing address too please... Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Do you remember how you first heard about Firefly? All Hail Google Facebook Twitter Word-of-mouth A flyer or business card I walked past your storefront on the Danforth I don't remember If you a human was responsible for that connection, let us know so that we can thank them. (Name + email would be awesome.) If you feel comfortable sharing your pronouns, we'd love to hear them. She/Her He/Him They/Them My pronouns are not on this list I'd rather not say Have you read and agreed to our financial policies? You can open them in a new tab by clicking here * Yup, got it. In a few sentences or less, what are you hoping to get out of this class? * What makes you a little — or a lot — nervous about this venture? (Nerves are welcome here! In fact, they're a good sign.) * Is this your FIRST face-to-face class with Firefly? If it is, you'll get a call from your facilitator in the next 48 hours to to chat about the workshop, and to make sure it's the right fit. Since the classes are so small, it's important to get this done pretty quickly. Watch your phone! :) * Yes! No, I've been around your table before. Do you have any mobility/accessibility needs? We want to make this class work for your bodies as well as your creativity. After you pay the deposit and are confirmed for the class, would you like us to follow up with the full balance, or would you like to break it into monthly installments? * I'll pay the full amount now. I'd like installments. Almost done! If you have any last questions, pop them in here, and then the form will take you to our deposit. Thank you!