Sensitivity Readers
Finding a sensitivity reader can be hard, we’ve created this list to take some of the searching out of the process.
Working with a sensitivity reader gives you the chance to engage in a rich, reciprocal, paid conversation about the places where your work isn’t holding the complexity and depth of another’s experience. This isn’t a “rubber stamp” solution to writing a book free of bias, it’s one step in doing your own work to write with integrity, nuance and care.
It’s complicated, of course! Here’s an excellent article written by Tajja Isen at The Walrus, about the importance and controversy around sensitivity readers.
It’s important to note that we haven’t hired any of these people as editors, so do your own due diligence, and don’t hire anyone you’re not very comfortable with.
This is a living document! If you know — or are — a sensitivity reader and would like to be included on this list, drop us a line.
Talia C. Johnson
Talia is a writer, poet, sensitivity editor, public speaker, workshop facilitator, ritual and service leader, educator, and activist. Her work bridges faith, mental health, and LGBTQ+/queer communities. Talia is a member of the Heartspark Press executive committee, and she is pursuing an education in a number of areas: a graduate degree bridging Judaism, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ topics, as well as ordination as a Kohenet Hebrew Priestess, and entry into rabbinical school. Talia’s sensitivity editing is informed by a combination of formal studies, work in various communities, and lived experience as an out transgender, autistic, Jewish woman.
Content Focus: Representation of queer, transgender and autistic characters.
Genres: Any.
Ronan Sadler
Ronan is a freelance editor and a romance publisher. With a Master of Arts in Critical Disability Studies, Ronan approaches sensitivity editing as a question of both craft and education, and strives to not just correct the manuscript, but also to equip the author with greater knowledge and skills.
Content Focus: Disability justice and chronic illness.
Genres: Young adult, romance, and science fiction/fantasy, as well as memoir and life writing.
Tiffany Morris
Tiffany is a writer, editor and mixed race (Mi’kmaq) woman of colour who writes horror, experimental poetry, and the occasional bit of creative nonfiction. Her horror writing, creative nonfiction, and poetry have been published in anthologies, magazines, and online. She has experience in copy editing, beta reading, proofreading and book reviewing, in addition to reading for juried writing competitions. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a Major in English.
Content Focus: Mi’kmaw representation, First Nations/Canadian Native representation, mixed-race Native identity, Native American representation.
Genres: Any young adult literature, horror fiction, speculative/sci-fi/slipstream/fabulist/fantasy, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry.
Shenwei Chang
Shenwei is an Asian American with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian American studies and a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering. They are a writer and an editor.
Content Focus: Taiwanese/diasporic Taiwanese characters, history, politics, culture, food, wedding and funeral practices; Chinese language usage (Mandarin & Hokkien) and naming conventions; multilingualism and code-switching; Asian American history, politics, social issues; diaspora, second generation immigrant experiences, hybrid and liminal identities; LGBTQ+ characters; mental illness.
Genres: Young adult (sci-fi/fantasy, high fantasy, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, historical fiction, contemporary, romantic comedy), middle grade, new adult (sci-fi/fantasy), adult (sci-fi/fantasy, historical fiction, literary fiction); Shenwei does not read erotica.
RoAnna Sylver
RoAnna is a writer, blogger, artist, singer, and voice actor.
Content Focus: LGBTQIA characters/biromantic, polyamory, asexual spectrum/demisexuality, aromantic spectrum, AFAB transgender/nonbinary/bigender/genderfluidity, neurodivergence, abuse survivor, disability and chronic illness, christian upbringing, life as a queer/trans/disabled/asexual/polyamorous teen.
Genres: Any (LGBT-focused sci-fi/fantasy).
Hannah Givens
Hannah has a Master of Arts degree in history, focusing on museum studies and queer literary history. She is a blogger from the Deep South and she cares deeply about books and diverse representation in those books.
Content Focus: Bisexuality/pansexuality and queerness, asexuality, neurodivergence (autism/ADHD), anxiety and depression. Being from the Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi), Being agnostic/ex-Christian, academia/historical profession/public history & museum studies.
Genres: Sci-fi/fantasy, comics, queer literature, nonfiction, adult, young adult, children’s and middle grade, picture books.
Ava is a blogger based in Northern California. Ava loves all things book-related and is an advocate for diversity and an intersectional feminist. She loves reading books that features characters different and like her, by authors of colour, LGBTQIAP+, neurodiverse and disabled authors.
Content Focus: Aromantic spectrum representation; bisexual, biromantic, pansexual, panromantic, queer, and/or wlw representation.
Genres: Young adult and middle grade fiction; Ava does not read adult fiction, religious/spiritual books, or poetry.
Kai Cheng Thom
Kai Cheng is a writer, performer, cultural worker & speaker.
Content Focus: Queer and trans people and community, gender transition & coming out, mental health & illness, Chinese diasporic communities, and Chinese migration to North America.
Genres: Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and dramatic works.
Vee is a trans/nonbinary college student who cares about theology, sex education, trauma awareness, writing, and queer literature. Vee is the admin of GayYA.org, a website dedicated to promoting and discussing LGBTQIA+ representation in Young Adult literature.
Content Focus: LGBTQIA+ characters, with a speciality in analyzing books with trans and nonbinary representation.
Genres: Specializes in young adult fiction.
Saima is a Sensitivity/Diversity Reader, from the Punjab region of Pakistan.
Content Focus: Muslim/Hijabi experiences, 1st-generation immigrant experiences, mental health (depression/anxiety/social anxiety), and asexuality.
Genres: Fantasy, dystopias, and historical fiction (especially young adult), and potentially projects outside these genres or in a format other than a book/short story. Saima does not read sexually explicit works/erotica and horror/thriller/suspense.
Zhui Ning Chang
Zhui Ning is a Malaysian editor, sensitivity reader and theatre practitioner based in London and Singapore. Her work engages with topics such as decoloniality, migration and diaspora communities, speculative futures, and queer hopepunk action.
Content Focus: Overseas Chinese diaspora cultures, histories, and social issues; East and Southeast Asian histories and geographies (particularly China, Malaysia and Singapore); queer representation (asexual, demisexual, bisexual experience, polyamorous relationships, and as a queer woman of colour); general Buddhist and Taoist beliefs and practices; languages (English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, Hokkien, Cantonese, and basic Japanese); multilingualism and code-switching, including use of Manglish/Singlish; living in a SEA Islamic country; living as an ethnic minority and migrant in the UK; immigrant and expatriate experience within Asia and to the UK (any generation); anti-imperialism and decolonisation; working in theatre and film.
Genres: Zhui Ning reads for all genres and age ranges, checking for depictions of marginalised identities.
Sydney Fowler
Sydney Fowler started sensitivity reading in 2015 and has read for several now published short stories, research projects, and novels including a 2019 New York Times Bestseller and 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards finalist.
Content Focus: Fiction and nonfiction work with characters and themes centering LGBTQIA, non-monogamy, survivors of interpersonal violence, and people with mental illnesses.
Genres: All lengths of fiction, nonfiction, and/or research projects.
Kathryn Wheeler
Kathryn Wheeler is a mental health journalist, editor, and Head Writer at Happiful Magazine.
Content Focus: Mental health related areas including sensitive and up-to-date terminology, correct understanding of mental health support and services processes, nuanced representation of mental illness, bias and stigmatising language and themes, and approach to triggering topics and scenes.
Genres: Manuscripts, ad and website copy, non-fiction, picture books, and all fiction genres including YA, children’s, crime, horror, romance, literary, fantasy, and more.
Guntaas is a seasoned editor, sensitivity reader, and creative literary consultant. She has a BA (Hons.) in English Literature and an MA in Publishing from University College London. She specializes in developmental editing, manuscript evaluation, and sensitivity reading (post-first draft stage).
Content Focus: Please contact Guntaas to check if she consults on the lived experiences that you are looking for. In the past, she has provided diversity / sensitivity reading on the following: Asian, South Asian and Indian race / ethnicity / nationality; Sikh and Punjabi faith/ culture; Multilingualism: Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit and English; body positivity, body dysmorphia and eating disorders; mental health and anxiety (including social anxiety); bereavement; feminism; neurodivergence; and verbal and psychological abuse.
Genres: Children's and YA fiction; text and illustrations in both books and comics; fiction and non-fiction, including sci-fi, fantasy, autobiographical, surrealistic, and more.
Ari Augustine
Ari Augustine is a writer of speculative fiction, poetry, and literary criticism. She holds a B.A of English Literature from the University of Washington and an A.S of General Sciences from CCAC.
Content Focus: Womanhood & the female perspective; religion (polytheism, Hellenismos, multi-Christian upbringing); languages (English, basic Japanese); obesity and food addiction; foster care system and children services; mental health (abuse survivor, chronic anxiety, PTSD, parental substance abuse, and institutionalization).
Genres: Science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, horror, gothic, occult, thrillers, psychological, paranormal romance, graphic novels, literary fiction, speculative fiction, and historical fiction novels with a fantastical lean. Tentatively accepting essays, short stories, and nonfiction works.
Anna Everts (Peculiar Planets)
Anna is a freelance writer and sensitivity reader from The Netherlands. Fluent in Dutch and English, they write blogs, fiction, comics, and poetry.
Content Focus: Autism, ADHD, LGBT+ matters, non-binary genders, depression, general mental health and disability matters, asexuality and aromanticism.
Genres: Articles, manuscripts, documents, or visual media, with a love for comics, fantasy, sci-fi, and anything that is not set in this world.
Robert Kingett
Robert Kingett is an author, editor, and sensitivity reader that's worked for many publishers such as Tor. He also provides content editing services.
Content Focus: Disabled characters and experiences, LGBT+ representation.
Genres: Any fiction genre.
Sarah Clark
Sarah Clark is an copyeditor, proofreader, and sensitivity reader based in Philadelphia.
Content Focus: Cultural consultation and authenticity reading for Native American issues; trans, LGBTQ+, two-spirit, and non-binary themes; as well as portrayals of characters who are autistic, have eating disorders, and are neurodivergent or disabled.
Genres: Sarah has experience with literary fiction, historical fiction, romance titles, creative nonfiction, as well as with books for young readers.
Cameron Rutherford (Reed and Storm Editing)
Cameron Rutherford is Head Editor at Reed and Storm Editing. They have completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) with Flinders University, a competitive course involving mentorship from acclaimed Australian writers such as Sean Williams, Amy Matthews and Lisa Hannett. Cameron Rutherford has also undergone an Honours degree in Creative Arts specialising in speculative fiction and constructed languages.
Content Focus: Cameron is queer, nonbinary and an active member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and can give you detailed advice on how to depict characters with diverse sexualities and/or genders while preserving your story. If you require sensitivity reading to best depict members of other communities, such as those with specific disabilities, cultural backgrounds or other experiences, they can guide you towards a relevant sensitivity reader free of charge.
Genres: Any draft or genre of creative writing.
Tora Brumalis
Tora Brumalis is a sensitivity reader who has read for HarperCollins imprints including Inkyard Press and Harlequin Books; tabletop game design; and independent authors.
Content focus: Tora is a Black trans lesbian who reads for: Black American culture, AAVE, anti-Black racism, Black womanhood, trans women, lesbianism, transmisogyny, queer culture and critique, racism in LGBTQ+ spaces, disability, ableism, accessibility, homelessness, unemployment, abuse and assault, fat positivity, ED, mental health, drug use, hospitalization, and more.
Keela Buford (AF.FORD Media)
Keela Buford is a content professional of eight years with creative writing experience in screenplays and novels, one of which is entitled, Pride, and Joy, as a novel adaptation of a screenplay that received Outfest and Stage 32 competition nods.
Content Focus: Sensitivity reading for LGBTQ+, African American/Black, mental illness, trauma, abusive romantic and platonic relationships, physical therapy, women’s/all-girls high school, being a minority in a predominantly non-minority educational institution and workplace, vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.
Genres: creative nonfiction, magical realism/low fantasy, speculative/sci-fi, mysteries, psychological thrillers, romance, romcom, drama, coming-of-age.
https://affordmedia.co/keela-buford/, you can also reach Keela on LinkedIn.
GiannaMarie is a sensitivity reader specializing in disability issues and disabled characters.
Content Focus: Sensitivity reading for chronic illness, mental illness, neurodivergence, physical disability, ableist / disableist / sanist bias, and harmful tropes and storylines.
Genres: Articles, essays, screenplays, comic scripts, picture book dummies, nonfiction manuscripts, and fiction of all genres for all age categories.
Rue V. Dickey
Rue (they/he) is a Roma-Indigenous-Welsh nonbinary disabled creative based out of Oregon, US.
Content Focus: Indigenous Identity, Diaspora, and Culture; Jewish Religion and Culture; Romani Diaspora, Culture, and Cultural Analogs; Fortune tellers, Travellers, Nomadic Cultures, etc.; Trans identity, transness, trans culture; Nonbinary identity; Queer identity and queer culture; Disability & Accessibility (Wheelchair / cane / mobility aid usage; Hearing loss and Hard of Hearing identity; Autism, ADHD, and Neurodivergence; Seizure disorders; Chronic illness; Mental health & mental illness); Content Warnings & Safety; Microbiology, Disease, Epidemiology, Pathology.
Amber Byers (Tadpole Press)
Amber is an award-winning author, editor, writing coach, and speaker. A member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, her Indian name is Nijgan Bamsid Manidog (One Who Walks with Spirits).
Content Focus: Diversity editing guidance in recognizing stereotypes; analyzing characters, themes, and ideas in light of gender, race, and body type; assisting in creating an accurate portrayal according to your specific goals.
Zainab/Em (Em in Wonderland)
Zainab, also known as Em, is a nursing student, who lives and studies in Nigeria. She’s a freelance writer and content creator, a sensitivity reader, hobby graphic designer and wannabe photographer.
Content Focus: Race, Nationality, Ethnicity and Regions: Black, Nigerian, Yoruba, West African. Language(s):Yoruba, Nigerian Pidgin English. Religion: Muslim. Sexuality and related identities: Aromanticism (specific personal identity: Grey and demiromantic) Asexuality (specific personal identity: demisexual), Bisexuality, Queer African, Queer Muslim. Disabilities and neurodiversity: ADHD, Anxiety, Chronic pain, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Speech disorder – Stuttering. Socio-political issues and aspects: Colourism, Racism, Tribalism, Nigerian cultures, history and sociopolitical issues. Trauma related areas: Emotional trauma. Other areas: Medical and mental health facts
Genres: Contemporary, comics and graphic novels, fantasy, historical fiction (particularly historical romance), horror, romance, science fiction
Anah Tillar
Anah Tillar is a Black American writer, editor, and sensitivity reader. Since 2016, she has helped writers and creatives develop inclusive and respectful worlds through various forms: novels, comic books, webtoons, memoirs, and more. She specializes in sensitivity reading and developmental editing. She has a BA in English from the University of Northern Colorado and an MFA in fiction from Hollins University.
Content Focus: Blerd (Black nerd/geek) Culture, Tokenism, Colorism, Misogynoir, Black American Culture, Bisexual identity
Genres: Novels, Novellas, & Short Stories, TV & Film Scripts, Graphic Novels & Webtoons, Memoirs, Video Games & Game Design, and all age ranges
Drew Hubbard (Pride Reads)
Drew identifies as queer (gay, enby - he/they) and has over 25 years living out and proud (plus many years "in the closet" too). He is the founder of Pride Reads which is an lgbtq+ focussed writing newsletter and resource for ALL writers wanting to write better lgbtq+ characters and stories. A writer and screenwriter himself, he works with other writers, both lgbtq+ and not, and has a thorough understanding of most things queer.
Content Focus: Gay/Queer/Bisexual men, Non-binary, LGBTQIAP+ (particularly if you've a supporting cast of secondary/minor queer characters, if you're looking for specific lived experience on anything other than gay/queer/bi men then absolutely go with someone who has that), orphan/losing parents young and grief.
Genres: Manuscripts and screenplays (including outlines and synopses), any genre
Rina Persephone Amaranthine
Rina (they/them) is a latine/chicane nonbinary disabled content creator and consultant based out of the Pacific Northwest.
Content Focus: Chicana/o/e identity, Mexican and Mexican-American identities.
Trans identity, genderfluid identity, LGBTQIA+, queer identity and culture. Queer youth and teens. Polyamorous relationships. Childcare and early childhood development, elementary and middle grade education and enrichment and care. Disability and accessibility, mobility aids, neurodivergences (including Autism and ADHD), navigating American healthcare, healthcare advocacy, chronic illness and chronic pain. Content warnings for triggering topics and themes.
American legal system, forensic sciences, investigative and detective work.
Genres: Any
Habiba (she/her) is a medic and avid reader from the UK. She has previously worked as a librarian and a children’s reading ambassador. Her community roles—working with women and those from disadvantaged backgrounds—have enabled her to develop an open and empathetic mind as well as a great cultural understanding.
Content Focus: Culture: Yoruba, Nigerian, West African, and African; Ethnicity and Race: Black/Black British; Geek Culture: Being teased for not “acting Black”; Immigrant Culture: First generation immigrants; Physical illness and disability: Chronic respiratory conditions; Religion: Islam; Tokenism: Being the only Black/Muslim in an area/school. Being a minority within a minority
Genres: All genres except erotica.
Cultural Accuracy & Sensitivity Editorial [CASE] Services by KAA
Led by Hannah Gómez (MA, MSLIS, PhD expected December 2023), KAA's CASE department is comprised of a pool of cultural accuracy and sensitivity editors in a myriad of subject areas and disciplines. Capable of handling ad hoc and bulk orders alike, we are a one-stop shop so you only need one point of contact and one vendor in order to have access to multiple editors. We cover more than marginalization, including specialized experiences, subcultures, localization, and translation.
Content Focus: Including but not limited to racial and ethnic identities, religion, gender and sexuality, disability, body image, BDSM, military, incarceration, immigration, and more.
Genres: All genres and formats, as well as blog posts, game documentation, scripts, museum exhibits, marketing copy, and IP development
Amaranthe R. Zinzani (Chai Elemental)
Amaranthe is a medical writer by day, sensitivity reader by night (and also by day). They are also a fiction writer, a musician, a martial artist, and an activist. Their all-dialogue short story about acemisia, “What Makes Us Human,” won the Two Sisters Writing & Publishing “It’s All Dialogue” contest in 2017. Amaranthe holds a bachelor’s in biology from Smith College and a master’s in biomedical sciences from Rutgers School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, and they are able to read for disability representation from both biomedical and social standpoints. Their sensitivity reading is informed by their lived experience as a multiply Disabled, gray-asexual, autigender Jewish conversion student.
Content Focus: Disability justice (especially with regard to autism) and respectful queer representation (especially with regard to asexuality)
Genres: Any besides historical fiction and erotica
Brennon Lane
Brennon is an author, poet, musician, sensitivity reader, and editor. He is passionate about reading and writing diversely, one of his personal goals being to bring Black LGBTQ+ identities more representation in modern media.
Content focus: Being African American, FTM trans, queer, men loving men, aromantic spectrum, asexual spectrum, and ex-Christian. Also topics such as anxiety, gender dysphoria, conversion therapy, and representation of the Midwest/Bible belt.
Genres: Any genre. Preference for Fiction and YA Fiction.
Hannah (she/her) is a sensitivity reader, book reviewer, and (fun fact!) an aspiring intimacy coordinator for film and theater based in sunny Singapore. With a BA in psychology and a professional background in online child safety policy making, Hannah is passionate about making sure that her lived experiences are reflected accurately and respectfully in all written forms. In the past, she has also interned for a women's magazine, was the managing editor of her college newspaper, and has been a casual beta-reader for friends and family who have an interest in publishing their work.
Content focus: Japanese & Diasporic Japanese American narratives/ LGBTQIA+ / intimate partner violence - experiencing, struggling, and healing / child abuse / mental illness (Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder) / cross-cultural romantic relationships / dysfunctional family dynamics / pressure, diet culture, and trauma specifically in competitive sporting.
Genres: Any except gore and horror.
Camille Hernández-Ramdwar
Camille Hernández-Ramdwar, Ph.D. is a multiracial Caribbean-Canadian writer, scholar, equity and social justice consultant, sensitivity reader and professor emerita at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Content Focus: Caribbean identities and culture, Caribbean language and code-switching, Caribbean diasporic identities and culture, Caribbean history, Caribbean literature, Caribbean religions, African Traditional Religions (Santeria/Lukumi/Candomble/Orisha, Vodou, Palo Monte, Shango Baptist/Spitirtual Baptist), mixed race/multiracial identity, second generation identity, transnational identity, racism (especially Canadian), colonialism, neocolonialism, anti-colonialism, anti-racism, anti-Black racism, colourism/shadeism, DEI/EDI/JEDI consulting and training, intersectionality, living as a racialized person in Canada, living as a second generation diasporic Caribbean person in the Caribbean, race and colour in the Caribbean, working in academia as a racialized woman, Canadian university culture, single parenthood, gender-based violence, domestic violence.
Re Gwaltney
Re is an author, sensitivity editor and writing consultant whose goal is to support other authors in writing complex and nuanced representations that reduce harm and elevate their craft. To Re, sensitivity editing is a collaborative effort that will not only improve the manuscript but leave the author with more insight and skills to work with going forward. She uses her formal education in Social Work, lived experiences, and involvement in communities to inform her feedback.
Content Focus: Disability and Chronic Illness; Autism; Trauma/Abuse and PTSD; LGBT+; Trans/Nonbinary; P0lyamory
Genres: Adult/YA (Fantasy, Horror, Romance/Modern, Sci-Fi)
Elizabeth (Lisa) Liang
Elizabeth Liang (aka Lisa) is an actress, writer, producer, speaker, and workshop leader. Her one-woman show about growing up interculturally, Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey, toured internationally and is now an award-winning film. Lisa has acted on stage, new media, television, and film. She is also a published essayist; co-host of the longest running podcast on the multiracial experience, Hapa Happy Hour; and an autobiographical storytelling workshop leader. She delivers keynotes on intercultural and intersectional storytelling and identity. Lisa grew up in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Morocco, Egypt, and Connecticut. She graduated from Wesleyan University.
Content Focus: Third Culture Kids; Global Nomads; Mixed Race; multi-ethnicity; intercultural identity; multilingualism; code switching; international schools; dual citizenship; living in Costa Rica, Egypt, Morocco, Panama, USA; Guatemalan family; Asian-Caucasian Latina identity; working in theatre, television, and film. More generally: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Culture, Class, Religion.
Genres: Any except gory horror.
Leslie Sullivan
Leslie is a queer, neurodivergent author and avid reader. She is passionate about diversity and representation in literature and other media, and has run panels on diversity writing at several conventions and conferences. She prides herself on giving thorough and constructive feedback on sensitivity reads and on educating without judgement.
Content Focus: Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, LGBTQIA+, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, sexual assault, PTSD and C-PTSD
Genres: Fantasy, science fiction, romance, mystery, thriller, literary fiction, memoir
Karen A. Parker
Karen A. Parker is a Black, queer, nonbinary, and neurodivergent Secular Buddhist from Los Angeles, California. They graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction) from UC Riverside’s Palm Desert program in June 2024. Their remastered short story collection, The Art of Capturing Phantoms: Definitive Edition, has received critical acclaim from Readers' Favorite, Indies Today, and Independent Book Review. Other short fiction and nonfiction of theirs has been published in The Drabble, Visual Verse, 101 Words, and The Coachella Review. As the former editor of Voice to Books for The Coachella Review, an Associate member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, a member of the Codex Writers Group, and an Impact Fellowship Recipient of Author Accelerator, they continuously strive to uplift fellow BIPOC and QUILTBAG+ writers of speculative and commercial fiction. When they’re not writing, they enjoy cooking, cartomancy, composing music, critting in Dungeons & Dragons, and completing their video game collection.
Content Focus: Novels, novellas, and short stories
Genres: Fantasy, science fiction, horror, and romance