Questions for useful conversations about writing

Let’s get nerdy

Asking good questions helps us know our work more deeply.

Without a little help, conversations about writing can easily fall into the boring land of “Is it good?” We all know there’s not a lot of growth in that question. But there are so many things we can ask each other to help draw our our insights and ideas.

These are judgment-neutral questions, intended as inspiration to guide conversations that help us get to know ourselves and each other better.

  • Where did the idea for this work begin?

  • How do you want the reader to feel at the start, middle and end of this work?

  • What do you hope the reader learns or questions from this work?

  • Who is your ultimate reader for this piece?

  • Has this changed since you started writing it? How? What created that change?

  • How did it change you to write this?

  • Which authors most closely influenced this work? If you had to say “I was going for a blend of ________ and __________ and _________” who would those people be?

  • “One thing I really noticed was your skill in ________. How did you learn to do that? Who influenced you?"

  • Tell me about the length; why was this the right length for the piece? What would be lost if it was shorter, and what could you add if it was longer?

  • Tell me about the starting point, why did you decide to start it where you did?

  • Tell me about the title, how did you choose it? Were there any others you considered?

  • Paint us a picture of your ultimate dream for this piece? (If published, where? Blurbed by who? Distributed how?)

  • What felt the most satisfying about writing this? Where was the joy in the process?

  • What was the hardest part of writing this, the edge or fear?

  • Where do you want to take this next? What are the next steps?

Do you have more? Hit us up! This is a living document, it keeps evolving through conversation, connection and growth.