Messy, Beautiful Pages
Tiny writing prompts for busy people with big, creative hearts.
These video writing prompts are for you, a little gift from the heart of Firefly.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 15
Part 15 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one uses first lines from books around my house as jumping off points for our own writing.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 14
Part 14 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one uses a long poem by Mary Oliver to collect words for our own writing.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 13
Part 13 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one invites us to reflect on sacred places in our life... inspired by one of our watchers.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 12
Part 12 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one invites some writing about moments of human connection amid isolation.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 11
Part 11 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one invites us to make some space for beauty.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 10
Part 10 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one explores the question of what our true role or job might be in this moment.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 9
Part 9 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one explores the question of meaning-making, and what messages we're longing to communicate.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 8
Part 8 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one explores authenticity and living outside of the performance.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 7
Part 7 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one spends a little time exploring the people who *aren't* present in our lives right now because of distance or self-isolation.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 6
Part 6 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one gives us a chance to just be sad, and to explore and express some of what we’re sad about.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 5
Part 5 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one uses a poem by Lucille Clifton as a jumping off point to write a blessing of our own.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 4
Part 4 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one plays with the idea of what we know and don’t know in this time.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 3
Part 3 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one uses a Joy Harjo poem as a jumping off point for a write.
Messy, Beauiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 2
Part 2 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one takes the idea of “stockpiling” in a playful direction.
Messy, Beautiful Pages "Covid 19 Self-Isolation Series" — Part 1
Part 1 in a short series of writing prompt videos designed to help us connect to our hearts and our voices in this challenging global moment. This one is a self-reflective exercise with a simple prompt line.