Calling all BIPOC Fireflies!

Kim, Asifa and Mary in that order, grinning and laughing. :)

Kim, Asifa and Mary in that order, grinning and laughing. :)


Hello! Asifa, Kim and Mary here, three of the coaches at Firefly.

Way back in March, we ran our first ever retreat for BIPOC writers, and it was so beautiful that we quickly decided we wanted to create a space for BIPOC writers (us included) that meets regularly. 

Our hope is to create an ongoing, sliding-scale space for other racialized writers that is warmly and tenderly held, that is grounded in the permission to write freely from our hearts and minds in community with others who might share some of the same desires and hopes that we do.

The BIPOC Writing Space is a pilot program, running monthly til the end of August, with a reading on Zoom in September if there is enough interest. We hope to extend it beyond that! We’ll meet once a month on the last Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 pm to write and do some sharing — sharing is always optional, and if we have a big group, it won’t happen for each person every time.

The focus of the sessions will be open to letting you go where your heart wants to go — themes that affect such as racism, colonialism and white supremacy are welcome, but writers can choose to write about whatever they want.

This program is open to all who identify as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour, mixed race, multi-racial and racialized. If you’re not sure, just ask!

We know this sweet magic is possible together and hope you will join us in creating it — we can’t wait.

Here’s the link to sign up.

We’re going to leave you with a poem and a quote.

Click here to hear Asifa reading a favourite poem by the wonderful Noor Unnahar. And, here is a quote by Toni Morrison:

“If there’s a book that you want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

Needless to say there is no pressure to write a book in this program. Buuuut every book starts somewhere. ;)

So looking forward to this!

Mary, Kim and Asifa


Why oh why does it take so long?


All of our beautiful damage.