Contests for Canadian Writers
Welcome to the world of literary contests!
There are a ton of awards for both emerging and published writers in Canada. With almost every literary magazine running open contests, there are so many opportunities for getting your work out there.
If publishing is what revs your engine (and it doesn’t have to be), dive in deep. Explore this list. Send your work out to anthologies. Stand in bookstores looking for magazines that feel like a fit for your voice and content. Find places to read your work out loud and to share your writing online. Believe in yourself relentlessly.
But also? Don’t lose the joy of this. The deep satisfaction of writing is the very best kind of award.
Have fun!
~ The Firefly Team
P.S. Is this list not up to date? We’d love to know!
P.P.S. If you’re looking to fund your writing, visit our Grants for Canadian Writers resource.
Awards for Emerging Writers
ARC Poem of the Year
Awards: $5,000 grand prize; $500 honourable mention prize, and $250 readers’ choice prize. All shortlisted poems received paid publication in Arc and online.
Eligibility: Open internationally; entry fee depends on number of submissions and includes an Arc subscription
Website: arcpoetry.ca/contest/poem-of-the-year/
Canadian Jewish Playwriting competition
Award: The winning playwright will receive $1,000 and an 8-hour CAEA workshop with a director and up to six actors that concludes with a public reading.
Website: mnjcc.org/theatre
CBC Nonfiction Prize
Awards: Winner will receive $6,000, a two-week writing residency at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, and have their work published on CBC Books. Four finalists will each receive $1,000 and have their story published on CBC Books.
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and permanent residents; entry fee of $25
Website: cbc.ca/books/literaryprizes/cbc-nonfiction-prize-1.4090951
CBC Poetry Prize
Awards: Winner will receive $6,000, a two-week writing residency at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, and have their work published on CBC Books. Four finalists will each receive $1,000 and have their story published on CBC Books.
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and permanent residents; entry fee of $25
Website: cbc.ca/books/literaryprizes/cbc-poetry-prize-1.4090929
CBC Short Story Prize
Awards: Winner will receive $6,000, a two-week writing residency at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, and have their work published on CBC Books. Four finalists will each receive $1,000 and have their story published on CBC Books.
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada; entry fee of $25
Website: cbc.ca/books/literaryprizes/cbc-short-story-prize-1.4090935
Crime Writers of Canada — Best Unpublished Manuscript
Award: $500
Eligibility: Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Canadian citizens living abroad; entry fee of $30 per manuscript ($15 for CWC members)
Website: crimewriterscanada.com/index.php/en/page/page-content/awards-of-excellence
CV2 contests & awards
2-Day Poem Contest: $500 first prize; $300 second prize; $150 third prize
The Foster Poetry Prize: $1,000 to the winning entry; cash prizes to four Honourable Mentions
Eligibility: International; entry fee of $16-26.
Creative Nonfiction Collective Contest
Award: $1,000 first prize; $300 second prize; $200 third prize
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and permanent residents; entry fee of $30 ($15 for CNFC members)
Website: creativenonfictioncollective.ca/cnf-contest/
Dreamers Creative Writing Contests
$250 prize for Stories of Migration, Sense of Place and Home
$120 prize for Micro Nonfiction Story Contest
$120 prize for Haiku Contest
$150 prize for Flash Fiction and Nonfiction Contest
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by contest
Website: dreamerswriting.com/submit
Eden Mills Writers’ Festival — Read at The Fringe Literary Contest
Award: One winner in each category (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry) will be invited to read at the festival. The prize also includes $150 and free entry to the festival for the winner and a guest.
Eligibility: Ontario residents; $20 entry fee
Website: edenmillswritersfestival.ca/read-at-the-fringe-literary-contest/
EVENT magazine — Non-Fiction Contest
Awards: $1,500 first place; $1,000 second place; $500 third place
Eligibility: International; fee of $34.95 per entry (includes magazine subscription)
Website: eventmagazine.ca/contest-nf
Exile Quarterly — poetry and Fiction competitions
The Morley Callaghan “Best Canadian Short Story” Competition: $10,000 for first place; $2,500 for second place
The Ruth and David Lampe Poetry Competition awards: $1,500 for Emerging Writer category; $1,500 for Any Career Point category
Eligibility: Canadian residents; entry fee varies by competition
Website: exilequarterly.com/poetry-and-fiction-competitions
The EX-Puritan — Austin CLarke Prize in literary excellence
Awards: $1,000 first prize; $200 runner-up
Eligibility: International; fee of $20 per entry
Website: ex-puritan.ca/austin-clarke-prize
The Fiddlehead Annual Contest
Award: $2,000; type of submission changes each year
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by country of residence
Website: thefiddlehead.ca/contest
Freefall Annual Prose & Poetry Contest
$500 First Prize
$250 Second Prize
$125 Third Prize
$75 Honourable Mention Prize
Contest entries are also automatically entered into the Lynn Fraser Memorial contest for a chance to win $100
Eligibility: International; $25 entry fee (includes magazine subscription)
Website: freefallmagazine.ca/contest
The Gallery of Human Migration Literary Award
Awards: 1st prize: a custom-designed sculpture; 2nd–10th prizes: exclusive sketches of the sculpture
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are the age of majority
Website: galleryofhumanmigration.org/call-for-expressions-of-interest-2025-migration-literary-award/
Geist — Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest
Awards: 1st price: $500; 2nd prize: $250; 3rd prize: $150 (all winning entries will be published in Geist)
Eligibility: International; fee of $25 for the first entry and $5 for each additional entry (includes magazine subscription)
Website: geist.com/contests
The Great Big Northern Ontario Story Contest
Awards: 1st prize: YETI V Series Stainless Steel Cooler (valued at $1,100); 2nd prize: YETI Hopper Flip 8 Soft Cooler (valued at $250)
Eligibility: Canadian residents over 18
Website: northernontario.travel/best/great-big-northern-ontario-story-contest
GritLit Short Story Contest
Awards: 1st place: $500; honourable mentions: $150
Eligibility: $15 entry fee
Website: gritlit.ca/contest
K. Valerie Connor Poetry Competition
Awards: 1st place: $1,000; 2nd place: $500; 3rd place: $250
Eligibility: Ontario residents (18+) only; entry fee of $10 per poem
Website: orillia.ca/poetrycontest
League of Canadian Poets — Lesley Strutt Poetry contest
Award: $500
Eligibility: Canadian poets, poets living and working in Canada, as well as Indigenous, Inuit and Métis poets who live in the region known colonially as Canada; fee of $5 per entry
Website: poets.ca/offerings/awards/
The Malahat Review
Award: Various contests including the Long Poem Prize, Novella Prize, Far Horizons Award for Poetry/Short Fiction, and the Constance Rooke Creative Nonfiction Prize
Eligibility: International; varies
Website: malahatreview.ca/contests/contests_info.html
Montreal International Poetry Prize
Awards: $20,000
Eligibility: International; fee of $20 or $25 for the first entry depending on submission date; $17 for each additional entry
Website: montrealpoetryprize.com
Next Generation Short Story Awards
Awards: 1 Winner and 3 Finalists in each of the 30+ categories and 3 Grand Prize Winners
Eligibility: Open to writers in the U.S., Canada or internationally who have written an original short story in English that has not been previously published at the time of entry; the 2025 entry fee is $25 per story for the first category entered and $20 for each additional category entered for the same story
Website: shortstoryawards.com
north shore Writers association contest
Awards: $100 first prize; $75 second prize, $50 third prize in each category (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and writing for children and young adults). First prize is $75 for two separate divisions of Youth under 11 and 12-18 years old.
Eligibility: Canadian youth & adults; fee varies from $5 to $15 per entry
Website: nswriters.org/annual-contest
Northwestern Ontario writers workshop— annual WRITING contest
Awards: $125 first prize; $75 second prize; $50 third prize in each category
Eligibility: International; ages 18 and over; $10 entry fee (free for NOWW members)
Website: nowwwriters.ca
Awards: $500 first prize (contest held every second year)
Eligibility: Canada and the US; fee of $20 for the first submission and $10 for each additional submission
Website: theontariopoetrysociety.ca/contest_Ellen_S_Jaffe_Humanist_Award.html
portal magazine — portent FICTION contest
Awards: $500 and publication
Eligibility: Canadian citizens and residents; entry fee $25
Website: portalmagazine.ca/index.php/portent
pottersfield press - prize for creative non-fiction
Awards: The First Prize winner will receive a contract for the publication of the winning book along with a $1000 advance on 10% royalty for all sales. The Second Prize winner will also see the publication of the book and a $800 advance on 10% royalties
Eligibility: Canadian residents with unpublished manuscripts; entry fee of $25
Website: pottersfieldpress.com/creative-prize-for-nonfiction
Prairie Fire Annual Writing Contests
Awards: $1250 first prize in each of three categories: McNally Robinson Booksellers Poetry, Short Fiction, and Creative Non-Fiction
Eligibility: International; entry fee of $34 (includes magazine subscription)
Website: www.prairiefire.ca/contests
PRISM international recurring contests
Awards: Various contests including Creative Non-Fiction, The Pacific Spirit Poetry Prize, The Jacob Zilber Prize for Short Fiction, The Grouse Grind Prize for V. Short Forms, and the Annual Earle Birney Prize for Poetry
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by contest and country of residence; free entries for self-identifying Black and Indigenous writers for all our contests; limited number of free entries offered to low-income writers
Website: prismmagazine.ca/contests
pulp literature contests
Awards: $300 Bumblebee Flash Fiction Contest; $500 Magpie Award for Poetry; $300 The Hummingbird Flash Fiction Contest; $300 The Raven Short Story Contest; $300 Kingfisher Poetry Prize
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by contest
Website: pulpliterature.com/contests
ROOM Magazine contests
Awards: Varies by contest (Poetry, Short Forms, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction)
Eligibility: Open to women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people; entry fee varies by contest and country of residence; 10 free entries offered to low-income writers
Website: roommagazine.com/contests
The Scribes Prize
Awards: $250 Gold, $125 Silver, $60 Bronze, $20 Honorable Mention
Eligibility: Entry fee of $5
Website: fairfieldscribes.com/the-scribes-prize
subterrain — ANNUAL Lush Triumphant Literary Awards
Awards: $1,000 plus publication for the winning entry in each of three categories (fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction)
Eligibility: Fee of $30 per entry (includes magazine subscription)
Website: subterrain.ca/about/103/lush-2024-awards-open+for+entries
Surrey International Writers’ Conference — writing Contest
Awards: $1,000 plus publication for first prize; $150 plus publication for honorable mention
Eligibility: Fee of $15 per entry
Website: siwc.ca/writing-contest
tnq contests
Awards: $1,000 for the winning entry in each of three categories (The Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest, The Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest, The Peter Hinchcliffe Fiction Award)
Eligibility: Canadian citizens or residents; entry fee varies by contest
Website: tnq.ca/contests
Toronto star short story contest
First prize: $5,000 plus tuition at the Humber School for Writers
Second prize: $2,000
Third prize: $1,000
Eligibility: Ontario residents only
Vallum Awards
Awards: $300 Chapbook Award; $750 Poetry Award and one finalist will receive $250
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by country of residence
Website: vallummag.com/submit
Wine Country Writers’ Festival Writing Contest
Awards: Prizes in each of three categories (fiction, non-fiction, poetry)
1st place: $200, free registration for festival, and publication
2nd place: $100 and publication
3rd place: $50 and publication
Eligibility: International; writers and poets over the age of 18; established and emerging writers; entry fee: $15 or two entries for $25
Website: https://wcwfestival.com/contest/
word on the lake writing contest
Awards: $200 first place; $125 second place; $100 honourable mention awarded in each category (fiction, non-fiction, poetry)
Eligibility: International; entry fee of $15
Website: https://wordonthelakewritersfestival.com/saw/writing-contest/
Writers’ trust of Canada — RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers
Awards: $10,000 for winners; $2,500 for finalists in each category (poetry, short fiction)
Eligibility: Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have been published in a literary magazine or anthology and unpublished in book form.
Website: writerstrust.com/awards/rbc-bronwen-wallace-award-for-emerging-writers
The Writers’ Union of Canada — Short Prose Competition
Awards: $2,500 for the winning entry; winner and 11 other finalists will be submitted to three Canadian magazines and receive feedback on their submissions
Eligibility: Canadian citizens or permanent residents; entry fee of $29
Website: www.writersunion.ca/short-prose-competition
Writing Battle
Awards: Prizes vary by battle type
Eligibility: International; entry fee varies by contest
Website: writingbattle.com
yolk Montreal Fiction Prize
Award: $2000 first prize; $500 second & third prize
Eligibility: Open to all Canadian writers
Awards for Young Writers
James Bartleman Indigenous Youth Creative Writing Awards
Awards: $2,500 awarded to up to six Indigenous students in three geographic categories (fly-in community, on reserve, off reserve)
Eligibility: Indigenous students under the age of 18 enrolled in an Ontario school
Website: ontario.ca/page/honours-and-awards-arts-and-literature
Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Prize for Canadian Youth
Awards: Three cash prizes awarded in each of two categories — Junior (grades 7 to 9) and Senior (grades 10 to 12)
Eligibility: Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Website: poets.ca/offerings/awards/
K. Valerie Connor Poetry Competition
Intermediate category (13–17) — 1st place: $200, 2nd place: $150, 3rd place: $100
Elementary category (12 and under) — 1st place: $75, 2nd place: $50, 3rd place: $25
Eligibility: Ontario residents only; entrants require the signature of a parent or guardian to submit; $5 per poem for intermediate entrants applies; no entry fees for the elementary category
Website: orillia.ca/poetrycontest
Kids Write 4 Kids Creative Challenge
Award: Winner becomes a published author; book sale proceeds donated to their charity of choice
Eligibility: Canadian residents in grades 4–8
Website: kidswrite4kids.ripplefoundation.ca/contests
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Awards: Scholarships vary by award
Eligibility: Teens in grades 7–12 (ages 13 and up) from Canada and the US
Website: artandwriting.org/awards
Vancouver Writers Fest — Youth Writing Contest (fiction & poetry)
Elementary: $100 first prize; $50 second prize
High school: $200 first prize; $100 second prize
Eligibility: Open to elementary students (grades 5–7) and high school students (grades 8–12) attending school or being taught in a home-school environment in British Columbia
Website: writersfest.bc.ca/youth/youth-writing-contest
Young Alberta Book Society — Martyn Godfrey Young Writers Award
Award: A collection of books, a certificate, and a place in an online writing workshop with a professionally published author
Eligibility: Students enrolled in grade 4–9 in Alberta
Awards for Published Writers
Canada council for the arts — Governor General’s Literary Awards
Awards of $25,000 to winning books in each of 7 categories (Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Young People’s Literature – Text, Young People’s Literature – Illustrated Books, Translation)
$1,000 to each finalist
Eligibility: Books must be submitted by an eligible publisher
Website: ggbooks.ca
The Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) Book Awards
Awards: Varies by award type (Amy Mathers Teen Book Award, Arlene Barlin Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy, David Booth Children’s and Youth Poetry Award, Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young People, Jean Little First-Novel Award, Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, Richard Allen Chase Memorial Award, Sharon Fitzhenry Award for Canadian Children’s Non-Fiction)
Eligibility: Eligibility requirements and fees vary by award type
Website: https://bookcentre.ca/pages/ccbc-book-awards
Crime Writers of Canada — Awards of Excellence for Published works
Awards: Varies by category
Eligibility: Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Website: crimewriterscanada.com/index.php/en/page/page-content/awards-of-excellence
The Donner Prize
Awards: $60,000 to the winning entry; $7,500 to each of the shortlisted titles
Eligibility: Books published outside Canada are eligible provided that the author is a Canadian citizen and the book is published in English or French
Website: donnerbookprize.com
giller prize
Awards: $100,000 to the winning entry; $10,000 to each of the finalists
Eligibility: Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
Website: https://gillerprize.ca/
Ontario creates — Trillium Book awards
$20,000 for the Trillium Book Award
$10,000 for the Trillium Book Award for Poetry
$10,000 for the Trillium Book Award for Poetry and the Trillium Book Award for Children’s Literature in French
Eligibility: Ontario writers who have lived in Ontario for at least 3 out of the past 5 years. Only book publishers may submit titles for consideration.
Website: ontariocreates.ca/our-sectors/book/trillium-book-award
Writers’ trust of Canada — Book awards
Atwood Gibson Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize: $60,000 to the winning entry; $5,000 to each of the finalists
Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction: $75,000 to the winning entry; $5,000 to each of the finalists
Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing: $25,000 to the winning entry; $2,500 to each of the finalists
Dayne Olgilvie Prize for LGBTQ2S+ Emerging Writers: $12,000 to the winning entry; $2,000 to each of the finalists
Eligibility: Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents; submission by publisher
The Writers’ Union of Canada — Danuta Gleed Literary Award
Awards: $10,000 for the winning entry; $1,000 each to two finalists
Eligibility: Canadian-authored titles in English available through bookstores and libraries