BIPOC Stay At Home Writing Retreat Feedback Would you like to share your name? (This is optional.) First Name Last Name Which retreat are you giving us feedback on today? * March 2022 with Kim and Mary When you think back over the "highlight reel" of the experience, what stands out? What brought out the most satisfying creative moments for you? What did your facilitators ROCK at? What are their superpowers? In your eyes, where are your facilitators' areas for growth? Finish this sentence: I would have loved more... Finish this sentence: I would have loved less... What other BIPOC programming would you be interested in? Would you like to be on a mailing list to hear about other BIPOC programs? * Yes! Not at this time. How did the online environment work for you? Any particular ways that it got in the way, or that it functioned well? If you've got good things to say, would you consider sharing them? Reviews help us immensely to build trust with tentative new participants. You can leave a review on Google Maps here and on Facebook here. Got it. You can also say nice things here if you like, we're always looking for more testimonials for our website... but no pressure. :) Final thoughts? Anything else you'd like us to know? Thank youuuuu!<3